Shaneka Henson (D) | Ward 6
Challenger to candidate DaJuan Kyre Gay (D) for seat being vacated by retiring incumbent Kenneth Kirby (D)
Shaneka Henson grew up in Ward 6 and has many family members still living locally. The mother of a middle school-aged son, Henson says she is running to bring a fresh and passionate approach to the issues facing Ward 6 residents. Lack of affordable transitional housing, which Henson calls a “bridge between where people are and where they want to be,” is an issue that she faced personally as a single mom raising a young child. She understands how crucial this is for residents seeking to leave public housing. She intends to engage actively with residents, community leaders, resident and tenant councils, and homeowners’ associations in order to effectively represent all constituents.
Henson’s top priorities for Ward 6 include reducing crime in all forms, including break-ins, homicides, and domestic violence; rebuilding Tyler Heights Elementary School, which is over its capacity; improving communication across all segments of the population in Ward 6; eliminating traffic congestion and improving reliability of the city bus service to the community; expanding outdoor recreational options for all ages; and raising awareness of environmental issues.
On a city-wide level, she would focus on the city budget (using debt responsibly and setting appropriate priorities) and on the environment (addressing requirements the city will face in coming years). She believes the Pip Moyer Recreational Center should remain a city asset and thinks that the membership fee structure should be adjusted to make the facility accessible to more residents.
This profile is based on interviews Action Annapolis conducted with the candidates in June. Henson also attended the Action Annapolis-sponsored Candidate Meet and Greet on June 7, 2017.