Fred Paone (R) | Ward 2
Incumbent, first elected in 2007; challenged by Kurt Riegel (D)
Fred Paone was born and raised in Annapolis, the oldest boy of eight children. Paone is running for his third term to continue the progress that has been made in Annapolis over the past four years, particularly with the city budget, housing, recreation,
and the environment. He says that he makes an effort to respond immediately to the concerns of his constituency, and he keeps in contact with the officers of the relevant civic associations. He believes that he is distinguished from his opponent, Kurt Riegel, by his experience on the City Council, his transparency, and his ability to work with different people and different ideas.
Ward 2 includes the communities in West Annapolis, Wardour, Admiral Heights, Homewood, Taylor Avenue, and Clay Street, which represent a range of demographics. The ward also includes both the highest assessed home values in the city and the lowest. The economic diversity presents obvious challenges in terms of priorities for residents of the ward.
Paone says that public safety is his number one issue and sees public works such as street and sidewalk repair as critical. He has been involved in economic development in West Annapolis, working with the business association to try to bring new businesses to the area.
One of Paone’s particular concerns is the cleanup of Weems Creek. He also thinks that there has to be some resolution of the problems that have been posed by stadium events. As everyone knows, the stadium events cause traffic and congestion. There is no simple solution to this problem. He supported the Forest Conservation ordinance, which requires a “one for one” tree replacement. He believes that the reorganization of the Housing Authority (HACA) has been good. He says that there will always be a need for public housing for the poorest members of our community and is open to exploring a public/private partnership for rehabilitation of properties to use as subsidized housing.
Paone believes that having a nonprofit organization operate the Pip Moyer Recreation Center would reduce costs, and he would like to explore that approach. Under this scenario, city employees at the Rec Center would not lose their jobs or benefits.
This profile is based on interviews Action Annapolis conducted with the candidates in June. Paone also attended the Action Annapolis-sponsored Candidate Meet and Greet on June 7, 2017.